MassDEP Asset Management Planning

Project Highlights

  • Secured $4.1M in Grant Funding
  • Asset Management Plans for 28 MA Towns
  • Town GIS Databases
  • Condition Assessments of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

Managing Critical Infrastructure with Cutting-Edge Technology

Since 2018, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has prequalified our firm to develop water, sewer, and stormwater Asset Management Plans (AMP) through the MassDEP and Clean Water Trust Asset Management Planning Grant Program. The program provides up to $150,000 in grant funding, or 60% of the total project cost, with remaining project costs covered by a cash match and/or in-kind services.

Under this program, our firm provides all of the services needed to develop an AMP. This work includes building asset inventories in a GIS database, performing condition assessments of treatment facilities and pump stations, assessing stormwater infrastructure, prioritizing asset improvement recommendations based on likelihood or failure and consequence of failure, cost estimating, and helping to identify funding strategies to support the needed improvements.

These Asset Management Plans help utilities and communities to understand and manage infrastructure risks, perform risk-based asset prioritization to maximize capital spending by targeting critical infrastructure, and to maintain the high level of service customers and stakeholders expect. The AMP also allows these communities to sustain and maintain asset information going forward using the latest technologies, such as GIS.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond has helped numerous Massachusetts communities obtain more than $4.1M in grant funding and implement water, wastewater, and stormwater asset management plans through the MassDEP Asset Management Planning Grant Program. Tighe & Bond created asset inventories using GIS, assessed the condition of community facilities, and formulated prioritized recommendations for improvements.

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