Lyman Pond Dam Removal & Manhan River Restoration

Project Highlights

  • Dam Removal
  • Improved Habitat for Rare Species
  • Ecological Restoration
  • Design, Bidding, & Permitting
  • Construction Administration

Dam Removal Reconnects 27 Miles of Habitat

Our engineers performed final design, permitting assistance, and procurement assistance for the removal of this unneeded mill dam on the Manhan River in Southampton, Massachusetts. The work included adapting a preliminary design prepared by another consultant to be more ecologically-friendly and work better with significant site constraints, including steeply-sloping, shallow bedrock. The work also included designing structural improvements to the former mill building that now houses several businesses.

Although the work is supported by public and non-profit project partners, the private dam owner allowed our firm to develop a fair and innovative competitive procurement process that allowed selection of the contractor prior to obtaining funding.

The project reconnected over 27 miles of river habitat and improved habitat for several rare species including freshwater mussels and the eastern box turtle. The upstream watershed includes areas designated as “Core Habitat” or “Critical Natural Landscape” by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Our work also included environmental permitting, construction administration, and post-construction reporting. The completed project restored a significant section of the Manhan River while reducing public safety risks and liability to the dam owner.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond assisted the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) with design, bidding, and construction phase services for the Lyman Pond Dam Removal Project.

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