Weir Road Culvert Replacement Design

Project Highlights

  • Wetland, Ecological & Habitat Restoration
  • Resilient Infrastructure
  • Structural & Geotechnical Evaluation
  • Alternatives Analysis & Replacement Design

Improving Upstream Water Quality, Aquatic Habitats, & Resilient Infrastructure

The non-profit organization Friends of Bass River is working closely with the Town of Yarmouth to replace the culvert carrying Weir Road over Hamblins Brook. The existing culvert is undersized and partially collapsed. The replacement project will be part of a significant regional wetland restoration effort along Cape Cod’s Bass River, seeking to repair the damaging ecological effects from 150+ acres of abandoned cranberry bogs.

This project will eliminate various berms to allow tidal flows from Bass River to return through the site with consolidated streamflow through the new culvert. The system will re-establish historical flows and habitats, allow for natural nutrient improvements, and create recreational areas for local residents.

Our team performed a comprehensive study to determine appropriate replacement alternatives and performed preliminary design of the structure. Work included borings and a geotechnical evaluation, coordination of stream flows with river restoration efforts, survey, permit evaluations, and preliminary design. Preliminary structural calculations were performed in accordance with the MassDOT LRFD Bridge Manual and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for HL-93 bridge loading.

The new structure will account for coastal storm surges, sea level rise, and will meet Massachusetts River and Stream Crossing Standards. The proposed structure includes a 24-foot span precast concrete arch on deep pile foundations. The design accommodates utilities including overhead wires and a gas main. This project will improve upstream water quality, aquatic habitats, and provide resilient infrastructure for the Town.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond provided surveying & design phase services in support of the Weir Road Culvert Replacement. Our scope of services included conducting an alternatives analysis to determine options for replacement, preliminary design of a new culvert, as well as public outreach support.

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