North Mill Pond Trail & Greenway

Project Highlights

  • Complete Streets Project
  • Living Shoreline
  • Greenway & Community Park Design
  • Wetlands & Ecological Restoration

A New Community Park for Portsmouth

We are working with the City of Portsmouth, NH and DeRosa Environmental to restore an existing urban shoreline, while creating a new linear greenway and community park along the southeast shoreline of North Mill Pond. The existing shoreline has been degraded by invasive plant species, and is susceptible to storm damage and flooding from rising seas. The greenway project seeks to build a multi-use public path with civic amenities, while stabilizing the shoreline against erosion and restoring adjacent wetlands.

The proposed mile-long greenway is driven by a public process to engage the community, property owners and abutters, with an ultimate goal of connecting downtown Portsmouth with adjacent neighborhoods and planned transportation, complete streets, and bike and greenway improvements.

Our landscape architects and engineers are collaborating on the greenway design, which will serve as a valuable open space and habitat that provides an ecologically healthy, socially vibrant, and educational destination for residents and visitors alike. It will feature scenic lookouts and seating, interpretive signage, bank enhancements, a living shoreline, and a raised boardwalk overlooking the water.

The scope of work includes soil and groundwater sampling, subsurface investigation, and a comprehensive soil management plan for the client. We are also assisting with permitting and coordination with local, state and federal stakeholders including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES).

When complete, the project will create a new multi-modal transportation link and community park, while also restoring wetlands habitat and coastal resilience by implementing a living shoreline.

Services Snapshot

Our firm provided design and permitting phase services for this project, including landscape architecture design for the new greenway and park, as well as soil and groundwater sampling.

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