Lake Gaillard Pump Station

Project Highlights

  • Evaluation and Design
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Permitting
  • Construction Administration
  • Conditions Assessment

Electrical Improvements Projects at the Lake Gaillard Hydroelectric Facility

An average of approximately 32 MGD are supplied through the Lake Gaillard Pump Station. Given the importance of the pump station, the power system was designed with redundancy and provisions for maintaining full operation under all but the most disastrous conditions.

In 2008, the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority (RWA) began completing the first phase of a three-phased equipment replacement project. The first project phase included the replacement of the existing west turbine generator, west 4,160-volt switchgear, and west 13,800-volt to 4,160-volt utility transformer at the pump station. The second phase included replacement of the east 4,160-volt switchgear, the motor control centers and transformers, the east oil-filled 2,000-kilovolt-ampere (kVA) Transformer T-1, the 4,160-volt tie-breaker (which connects the east and west electrical busses together), the 4,160-volt west filter plant circuit breaker, and the outdoor 13,800-volt utility and distribution switchgear. The third and final phase included the replacement of the east turbine generator and associated circuit breaker and controls with a new 1,250 kW diesel generator.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond managed the design, permitting, and construction administration of the $6M electrical improvements projects, which required detailed sequencing during construction and coordination with the owner and contractor to minimize facility shutdowns. The CT DWSRF program funded the third phase. Tighe & Bond also completed a conditions assessment for the Lake Gaillard hydroelectric facility at the site and managed the design and construction administration of safety improvements for this facility.

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