Encompass Health

Project Highlights

  • 100,000 Square Foot Medical Facility
  • Close Proximity to Significant Wetland System
  • Perimeter Retaining Wall
  • Full Suite of Engineering Services

Close Proximity to Wetlands Inspires Creative Design of Health Facility

The Encompass Health project is located on the former Union Carbide property in Danbury, Connecticut. The site will be the home to a new 100,000 square-foot physical medical facility that will require city land use approvals from both the Planning and Zoning and Environmental Impact commissions. Site design will include a full suite of engineering services, including site/civil, traffic, geotechnical and wetlands assessment.

The project will be in close proximity to a significant wetland system and the site has been designed to avoid direct impacts. One method will be to maintain a perimeter retaining wall on the low side of the development to provide a physical protective barrier from the site to the system. Additionally, the drainage has been designed to address water quality from runoff through a series of best management practices, such as water quality structures, vegetated swales, level spreaders, and subsurface infiltration.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond provided site/civil design, permitting, and construction phase services in support of this project.