News & Events

Staying Compliant: New Standard for Aboveground Storage Tanks

Owners and operators of aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) should be aware that the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services has begun auditing ASTs for compliance with the Massachusetts 502 CMR 5.0 regulations.  These regulations have been adopted to provide uniform requirements and procedures for the construction, maintenance and use of aboveground storage tanks and related permit, inspection and record-keeping requirements.

Which Aboveground Storage Tanks Are Affected?

  • ASTs with capacities greater than 10,000 gallons that store any fluid other than water are applicable to this standard.

What Are the Next Steps for AST Owner/Operators?

  •  Check to see if your AST meets the requirements of this regulation by reviewing the document put forth by the State Fire Marshal Office.
  • Commit to the inspection standard by filling out an AST Approved Standard Declaration Form with the State Fire Marshal Office. A Qualified Tank Inspector must complete this form to make sure that the inspection standard is appropriate for the AST in question. The form and more information is available here.

How Do You Remain Compliant with the Regulation?

The Massachusetts State Fire Marshal’s Office will send out AST Use Permit renewal reminder notices to AST owners/operators approximately 45 days prior to the Use Permit’s expiration date. To renew the Use Permit, an AST Inspection and Renewal Form and the associated fee will need to be submitted.

A Qualified Tank Inspector will need to complete the following for the AST Inspection and Renewal Form:

  • Review the inspection and maintenance documentation since the issuance of the last Use Permit and confirm that the AST has been inspected and maintained in accordance with the Approved Standard.
  • Confirm that an inspection has been conducted on the tank (external inspection), related equipment, secondary containment, and the premises, confirming that all items are in good working condition and in compliance with all applicable requirements.

More information about renewal requirements is available from the State Fire Marshal Office.

If there are additional questions about this new standard please reach out to David Horowitz, PE CSP.