Comins Pond Wells Water Treatment Plant Groundbreaking

From Left to Right: Jacob Charette, State Loan Specialist, United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA RD), Danielle Teixeira, Project Manager Tighe & Bond, Jeffrey Faulkner, Senior Project Manager, Tighe & Bond, Rudolf Logdeser, Project Manager, R.H. White Construction, Barry Mahoney Superintendent, R.H. White Construction, Dave Johnson, Superintendent, Warren Water District, Cynthia Baxter, Commissioner, Warren Water District, Loretta Beaudry, Commissioner, Warren Water District, Donald Makowski , Commissioner Warren Water District, Carol Sanders, Office Manager, Warren Water District, Jamey Pedro, Project Executive, R.H. White Construction.
The Warren Water District broke ground on their future 500,000 gallons per day Iron and Manganese water treatment plant in Warren, MA. The facility will be named Comins Pond Wells Water Treatment Plant. The project entails the construction of a new 0.5 MGD Water Treatment Plant building housing GreensandPlus Filtration system for iron and manganese removal, chemical feed systems, and related facilities. The building will be a pre-engineered metal building approximately 60 feet by 60 feet and include, heating, ventilation, plumbing, electrical, instrumentation, and SCADA. The project will treat water from the District’s 2 groundwater wells adjacent to Comins Pond.
Tighe & Bond is serving as the project engineer and R.H. White Construction will act as the project’s contractor. Construction is expected to be substantially complete by December 2022.