Latest News & Events

PSMJ Interviews President & CEO Bob Belitz for Member Spotlight

Interview discusses career tips for emerging leaders, long-term industry trends.

Four Building Blocks for Educational Campuses to Advance Decarbonization Goals

By planning ahead and focusing on cost-effective upgrades, schools can establish a sound foundation to advance their goals.

New MassDEP Reporting Requirement for Fleet Owners

This one-time rule requires specific users to report characteristics of their fleet to MassDEP by March 1, 2024.

2024 NEWEA Annual Conference

Join our staff at the NEWEA’s annual conference & exhibit from January 21-24 at the Marriott Copley Place in Boston.

Happy New Year 2024

Our year-end video showcases some of our recent work to foster strong, vibrant communities across the Northeast.

Repurposing of Contaminated Municipal Properties

Our multi-disciplinary team has helped clients pursue creative options for turning contaminated properties into public amenities.

Designing for Safety and Efficiency in Downtown Peabody

Our transportation engineers helped to rehabilitate .8 miles of Central Street, with a roadway design that emphasizes safety for all users.

Springfield Regional Chamber Names Tighe & Bond a Super 60 Business

Our firm ranked #3 regionally in the Revenue category after seeing consistent growth over the last several years.

Celebrating STEM/STEAM Day with the Next Generation

Our team gathered to share their advice with students of the Applied Learning HUB as they embark on a long-term mechanical engineering project.

Construction Complete at Littleton Water Treatment Plant

We provided pilot testing, design, permitting, bidding, and construction services for the project.